How To Locate SASSA Offices In Eastern Cape In 2024

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SASSA Offices In Eastern Cape In 2024… Do you find it difficult to locate SASSA Offices in Eastern Cape? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about How To Locate SASSA Offices In Eastern Cape In 2024.

The South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) manages grants and allowances for groups in South African society needing assistance. This includes grants for children, older person grants, and disability grants. SASSA also manages the R350 grant for the special relief of distress during the Covid-19 crisis.

SASSA payments are made in various ways. They can be paid through a bank account, through your SASSA card, through a Post Office, or through CashSend. Your SASSA grant is there to assist you with your basic needs.

How To Locate SASSA Offices In Eastern Cape In 2024

The SASSA Regional Office is located at the BKB Building, Cnr Fitzpatrick and Merino Road, Quigney.

The postal address for this office is:

Private Bag X9001,


East London,


You may contact them via the following channels:

Telephone: 043 707 6300

Fax: 043 707 6481


For more information, visit the Official Website

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