UNICEF Essay Competition 2024/2025 Application Form Portal

Filed in Competitions by on October 25, 2023 2 Comments

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund is one of the most prominent organizations responsible for providing funds, food, and school items to children. They’re also on standby 24/7 to assist students who are suffering from malnutrition, infectious diseases, and lack. They have provided tons of assistance to children from across the globe and are still in business.

However, their job isn’t limited to the provision of assistance to children; they equally offer educational assistance in several ways including organizing essay competitions, poetry, and short story creation for children all over the world.

UNICEF family alongside the Standard Group PLC organized a joint competition for children with the aim of giving the children the privilege to air out their views on the most important issues affecting children and what they would like the next Government to do about them. The winners were given the leverage of asking their questions directly to politicians during a special TV debate on children’s issues.

That wasn’t all, the winner also went home with prizes such as;  school bags (children) or t-shirts (young people) from UNICEF, a goodie bag from the Standard Group, and a certificate signed by both UNICEF and the Standard Group.

The work was also set to be featured in the Sunday Standard’s Generation Next magazine, KTN’s Club Kiboko, Ms. President’s Tv Show on KTN and on UNICEF Kenya’s website, and the Standard Group’s website.

So far, dates for this year’s essay competition have not been released yet but we do look forward to having an essay competition very soon here are some of the entry rules you might want to familiarize yourself with before the contest.

Entry Rules For Participants

  • Entries can be in the form of written essays or videos. There will be two categories, for children aged 10-16 and young people aged 17-24. Essays should be a maximum of 1,000 words and videos a maximum of three minutes.
  • To enter the challenge, you must be a resident of the country where the contest will be held.
  • Children with disabilities are advised to take part in the contest.

Date For Contest

The date hasn’t been announced yet for this year’s contest, but we will keep you updated immediately after the UNICEF family announces the date, so keep checking for updates.

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    Wow inspirational

  2. TUYISHIME Moise says:

    i want to give for this website my artwork or graphic design (logo) in competition inorder to get the award.

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