Call for Nominations: The Roux Prize 2023 for Health Innovation

Filed in Awards by on November 11, 2022 0 Comments

The Roux Prize was created to honor individuals or groups from around the world who have used health evidence in bold, innovative, and impactful ways.

David and Barbara Roux established the $100,000 Roux Prize in 2013 to reward innovation in the application of disease burden research. The prize recognizes the person who has used health evidence in bold ways to make people healthier – and to highlight just what’s possible when visionaries use health evidence to change lives.


  • The prize is valued at $100,000 USD and is for the personal use of the recipients. An award citation and a medal will also be presented.
  • If a group, rather than an individual, receives the award, the prize will be evenly divided among them. Each will receive an award citation and medal.


  • Nominations are welcomed from across the globe.
  • Preference is given to individuals, but groups are eligible.
  • Self-nominations are discouraged.
  • Current full-time faculty, fellows, or employees of IHME and the University of Washington are not eligible.

How To Nominate

Information included in the nomination form:

  • Nominee’s personal information: title, name, degrees, position or role, organization, email, phone number, and physical address.
  • Nomination statement (1,000 word limit): The nomination statement should express why you feel this candidate is deserving of the Roux Prize. The strongest nominations will be those which:
    • Describe the scope and relevance of the problem addressed by the nominee.
    • Describe how the candidate used evidence to improve population health. Include specific examples that highlight the importance of the evidence for achieving the outcome, and highlight the breadth and significance of the impact on the population.
    • Describe the nominee and the context in which they performed their work, including any barriers or obstacles they had to overcome to achieve the outcome.
    • Describe any innovations the nominee implemented in their use of evidence.
    • Describe how the prize would benefit the nominee.
    • Optional: Supporting materials. You may provide any documents which provide evidence of the nominee’s achievements and in particular highlight how the nominee used evidence to improve population health and/or the magnitude and relevance of the impact of the nominee’s work. These could include peer-reviewed articles, media publications, letters of support, etc. (5 maximum)
  • Nominator’s personal information: title, name, degrees, position or role, organization, email, phone number, and physical address.
    • Optional: Co-nominator personal information: title, name, degrees, position or role, organization, email, phone number, and physical address.

Click Here To Nominate

For more information, visit Roux Prize.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2023

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