Top-notch Parenting Advice You Need in Your Daily Life to Succeed
There’s more to parenting than what we think and see. If you think am lying just try and have a child when you are not financially buoyant and see if you won’t look old in a week.
When we talk about the responsibilities of a parent, it’s not just to born a child but how to nurture and care for the child.
Disciplining the child in the right way is the best parenting advice you need to give to them. Yes, I call it parenting advice because it’s not just advice but a way to make them stand out from the crowd when they are on an occasion or any social gathering.
Children nowadays, don’t really stick to some of this discipline now because of the way their parents pampered them. I still remember when I was a child, whenever my parents look at me in the eye, I will just behave because I know what the meant.

But now, even if you look at a child for an hour he/she will never stop what his doing instead they will just tell you “ Mum/Dad why are you staring at me in such manner and you will feel disgrace and disappointed.
But, this is not because you have not been disciplining them but because the world is developing, so their lives change dramatically.
So, at this point what’s the best thing to do? What you need to do to make them well behaved is to give them parenting advice which will definitely help them anywhere and anytime.
Top-notch Parenting Advice You Need in Your Daily Life to Succeed.
1. Tackle Fears with Common Sense
If she’s scared of dogs, don’t hustle her across the street when one is coming. Demystify the fear. (“Oh, a puppy! Let’s ask the owner if we can feel how soft his fur is.”)
Intense moments shots come to mind be sympathetic but not too emotional, says Atlanta-area pediatrician Roy Benaroch. Say, “It will be OK. It will be over in a few minutes,” not, “I know it hurts! It hurts!”
2. Don’t Pay your Kids to Clean their Rooms.
“If you give them a buck to make their beds, then when you ask them to help you carry in the groceries, they’ll say, ‘How much? Why would I do that for free when you pay me to make my bed?'” says author and parenting expert Alyson Schafer.
You can give your child an allowance as an introduction to money management and possibly for overall good behavior. But don’t tie it dollar-for-dollar to everyday chores.
3. Let Your Kids Fail.
To learn self-sufficiency, kids need to occasionally dust themselves off (literally and figuratively) without your help.
“Most parents know what their children are capable of but step in to make things easier for them,” says Sheri Noga, the author of Have the Guts to Do It Right: Raising Grateful and Responsible Children in an Era of Indulgence.
Remember; Long-term benefits a teenager who knows how to do her own laundry. Before you rush in to help with any physical task, ask yourself: “Is my child in real danger?”
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Then, and this applies to other challenges, like the social studies poster due tomorrow think about whether your child has the necessary skills (dexterity and balance) or simply adequate sleep and a snack. Yes, it’s time to back off and see what happens.
4. Model Brave Behavior
Want confident kids? They will be less likely to be easily flustered if they see you taking healthy risks. “A lot of adults won’t go to a movie solo because they would be embarrassed to be seen sitting alone. So do it, then talk to your kids about it,” says David Allyn, the author of I Can’t Believe I Just Did That.
Similarly, if your kids see you laugh when you realize that your shirt has been on backward all morning, maybe they’ll giggle, instead of feeling embarrassed, when it happens to them.
5. Be Strict about Bedtime
According to a study published in 2013 in the journal, Pediatrics found that seven-year-olds who had irregular bedtimes had more behavioral problems than did those with consistent bedtimes. And the longer the lack of a strict bedtime went on, the worse the problems became.
If you work outside the home, it’s tempting to keep kids up to have more time with them. But as much as possible, stay the course even if that means you sometimes miss lights out.
“We all make sacrifices,” says Heather Taylor, Ph.D. Just try and “call or video-chat to say good night” to be part of the routine.
Tags: Parenting Advice, Parenting Advice You Need in Your Daily Life