NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme 2025
NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme 2025… Do you wish to apply for the NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme 2025? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about the NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme 2025, Eligibility And How To Apply.
The National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) has been undergoing a massive sponsorship programme intake annually for the past years. We’ve received numerous requests from aspirants on various platforms yearning for legitimate information about the NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme application form and guidelines for 2025-2026. Many applicants have been asking us questions like;
- How Can I Apply For NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme 2025?
- Where Can I Obtain The 2025 NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme Form?
- Is The NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme 2025 Form Out?
- When Will The NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme Start?
Keep reading this article as you will find answers to the above queries.
About the National Industrial Training Authority
The National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) is a state corporation established under the Industrial Training (Amendment) Act of 2011. Its mandate is to promote the highest standards in the quality and efficiency of Industrial Training in Kenya and ensure an adequate supply of properly trained manpower at all levels in the industry.
The Authority has its headquarters in Nairobi and five industrial training centres spread across the country; NITA Textile Training Institute, NITA Nairobi, NITA Kisumu, NITA Mombasa and NITA Athi River.
The Centres host several industry-oriented courses targeting workers in the formal and informal sectors. The courses include short and long programmes [proficiency courses, skill upgrading courses, artisan courses, and tailor-made courses]. The Centres provide full board accommodation, training rooms, workshops and recreational facilities.
About Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme
The National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) sponsors Twenty-five (25) Kenyan female students from needy backgrounds annually to pursue engineering courses at craft and diploma levels to reduce gender disparity in technical/engineering courses as part of its Corporate Social Investment. Through this affirmative action, this program was started in 2006 and to date over 270 young Kenyan female students have benefited.
Which Engineering Fields Are Eligible For The Sponsorship Programme?
- Mechanical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Electrical/Electronics
- Automotive
- Surveying
- Building/Civil Engineering.
What Type Of Sponsorship Programme Is This?
Who Is Eligible To Apply For The NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme?
- Kenyan Females form four leavers from Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) areas who wish to pursue engineering courses at craft and diploma levels. These marginal areas include; Mandera, Turkana, Lamu, Wajir, West Pokot, Kwale, Ijara, Tana River, Garissa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu, Elgeyo-Marakwet, Suba, Kajiado, Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Teso, Mt. Elgon, Kitui, Mwingi, Tharaka, Mbeere, Transmara, Makueni, Kuria and Marigat.
Applicants should be willing to learn and possess an aptitude towards a technical career in addition to the following minimum academic requirements:-
- Diploma- KCSE-Minimum Mean Grade of C (Plain), with at least (C+ Plus) in physics and English
- Craft- KCSE-Minimum Mean Grade of D + (Plus), with at least C- (Minus) in Mathematics and D+ (plus) in Physics and English.
How To Apply For NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme
Only females who meet the above requirements and are from the areas stated above may apply for sponsorship by:
- Submitting a handwritten justification of not more than three hundred (300) words indicating why they deserve the training and the sponsorship.
- Applicants must attach copies of academic certificates, testimonials and a National Identity Card.
- Applicants should select ANY TWO courses from the different clusters listed.
IMPORTANT! The NITA Kenya Female Engineering Sponsorship Programme 2025 Application Form is not yet out online, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across. This page will be updated immediately after the form is out.
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