How To Register for Global Korea Scholarship 2021 for International Students

Global Korea Scholarship is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea for academic degrees, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.

The Korean Government invites applications from international students who wish to pursue a bachelor’s and associate degrees in Korea. To be selected as a GKS grantee, any applicant should successfully pass through the 1st selection process set by the Korean Embassy of his or her country of origin or the designated University.


  • (Bachelor‟s Degree) A total of 5 years (1 year of Korean language program + 4 years of Undergraduate degree)
  • (Associate degree) A total of 3 or 4 years (1 year of Korean language program + 2~3 years of Associate degree)

Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship includes:

  • Airfare
  • Settlement Allowance: 200,000 KRW (offered once after entry to Korea)
  • Monthly Allowance: 900,000 KRW per month
  • 1-Year Korean Language Training Fee: Fully covered
  • Degree Program Tuition: Fully covered
  • Medical Insurance: 60,000 KRW per month
  • Korean Proficiency Grants: 100,000 KRW per month
  • Degree Completion Grants: 100,000 KRW (offered once)


  • Must be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2021 (born after March 1, 1996)
  • All applicants and their parents must be citizens of GKS program‟s partner countries that are invited to take part in this program and must not hold Korean citizenship.
    • Korean citizens and dual citizenship holders (one who have Korean citizenship and citizenship of another country) are NOT eligible to apply.
    • Applicants and their parents who had previously held Korean citizenship must submit the document that proves their renunciation of Korean citizenship. ※ Exception: For overseas Korean applicants holding Japanese citizenship, if their parents hold “Permanent Residency Permit‟ within Japan while holding Korean citizenship, are eligible to apply.
  • Must hold high school diploma as of March 1st , 2021 or must be expected to graduate high school by March 1st, 2021.
  • All applicants must be in good health, both mentally and physically, to study in Korea for the full duration of degree or research programs.
  • All applicants must have maintained the overall grade point average (CGPA) equivalent to or higher than any ONE of the following from their respective universities:
    • Bachelor‟s Degree Applicant: 80% or above on a 100 point scale or be ranked within the top 20% within one‟s class
    • Associate Degree Applicant: 75% or above on a 100 point scale or be ranked within the top 25% within one‟s class

How To Apply

  • Embassy track applicants must apply to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship and University track applicants must directly apply to one of Korean universities that are participating in this program
    • Institutions accepting applications
      67 Embassies of the Republic of Korea: In countries where Korean Education Centers or Korean Cultural Centers are located, these institutions may accept and review GKS applications in lieu of Korean embassies. They highly recommend applicants to contact Korean embassy in their countries to check which party is accepting the application.
    • 30 Korean Universities designated by NIIED ※ Universities for Natural Science & Engineering Majors: 24 Universities Universities for Associate Degrees: 6 Universities

Submission Period – September ~ October 2020

  • Deadline: Decided by each Korean embassy and university
  • Applicants MUST check the deadline with the institution they intend
    to submit applications in advance.

Click Here To Apply.

For more information, visit Global Korea Scholarship.

Application Deadline: Varies (September ~ October 2020)

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