How To Participate In The 2020/2021 Global Bioeconomy Summit

The objective of this call is to bring together an eclectic and geographically diverse leadership group of young people, from across the globe, who will act as ambassadors for the bioeconomy at GBS2020. These ambassadors will help represent the diversity of the young global bioeconomy community at GBS2020.

Possible Outputs during GBS2020:

  • Organizing a 2-hour youth session in advance of the Summit to connect inspiring young people from around the world to exchange opinions and engage in an open dialogue on global bioeconomy development;
  • Developing a youth statement on the theme of GBS2020;
  • Developing a report on youth concerns, motivations, actions, approaches and demands for global bioeconomy development.
  • Ambassadors will get the chance to participate in GBS2020 and to present their work to an international and expert audience.
  • Open to all young people worldwide e.g. high school and college students, young researchers and academics, young professionals, policymakers and entrepreneurs, young non-profit leaders, journalists and social media influencers.
  • Between the ages of 18-35.
  • Strong command of English.
  • Have interest in global bioeconomy development.
Judging Criteria

Applications will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstration of the interest in the bioeconomy, regardless of professional experience;
  • Ideas for output during and after GBS2020;
  • Creativity.
How To Apply

Applicants are asked to provide a brief (about 1 page) profile to present her-/himself including background and interest in bioeconomy, career stage, a short proposal for their specific output during GBS2020 and ideas on how to foster a global bioeconomy youth community after GBS2020. Candidates will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to the jury. Jury decisions will be final.

All submissions must bear the name and the e-mail address. Submission language is English. Entries can be submitted in the following format: 1-page Word or PDF document.

Candidates may submit only one application. Applications should be sent electronically to the Conference Office of the Global Bioeconomy Summit via e-mail at [email protected].

For more information, visit Bioeconomy Youth Champions.

Application Deadline: September 1, 2020

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