37 Things To Do Before You Turn 50 | Age Facts You Need To Know

Filed in Article by on June 20, 2022 0 Comments

For most people, fifty is only the beginning, while for others, fifty is their Sabbath. However you view it, whatever it means to you, fifty is badass and you shouldn’t slouch at the joy of being fifty, you should embrace it.

At this age, a lot of dreams should have been achieved, lots of mistakes made, and corrections too. Before fifty, you should have attained your dream height in your profession, built a house, made numerous Investments, started a club, gotten married, had kids, and settled down.

However, fifty isn’t such a bad time to start if you hadn’t achieved those dreams plus who said we all need to achieve everything before fifty? There’s zero need to be in despair, it’s a mature age and you are expected to have built a fortress over you and your family but if it couldn’t happen, you’re still alive, make it happen.

So, I decided to list 40 strings you should pull before you turn fifty plus some of the stuff on this list are bucket lists you’ll find really crazy.

  1. Go hiking
  2. Get a job you’ve never done before and have zero knowledge about.
  3. Go camping
  4. Propose to your love in the moonlight
  5. Buy your dream house
  6. Get married
  7. Read 50 books
  8. Donate blood
  9. Watch your favourite band live
  10. Learn a foreign language
  11. Keep a pet
  12. Take your parents on a tour
  13. Stay out all night
  14. Visit Stonehenge
  15. Go on a solo trip
  16. Sleep underneath the stars
  17. Visit the seven continents
  18. Learn to ride the helicopter
  19. Visit the beach at sunset
  20. Pioneer a protest
  21. Go skinny dipping
  22. Appear on TV
  23. Make the snowman
  24. Start a business
  25. Start up a foundation
  26. Ride in a hot balloon
  27. Ride an elephant
  28. Visit India for Holi
  29. Get a tattoo
  30. Run half s marathon
  31. Get drunk
  32. Watch Pitch Perfect again
  33. Write a letter to all the folks you ever crushed on
  34. Write a journal
  35. Have a threesome
  36. Travel on impulse
  37. Try sky diving.

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